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Day One - Brest to Morlaix

A light 50km day turned into 76km after spending the morning around Brest. Tour De France teams were dotted around the town. Bikes were being serviced, tv reports being recorded and food being made. (They have their own catering vans) All in preparation for tomorrow’s ‘Grande Depart’

Our roll out was today but we did pass a few teams out on the road doing warm ups later in the day.

The rain was light and felt quite pleasant in the morning, by mid afternoon had penetrated everything we wore. Making our lovely apartment feel all the more welcoming.

Tomorrow we head to St Breiuc, bigger miles but a day off awaits. We’ll be flag waving as the real Tour pass through.

We cycle the Tour De France from start to finish to help promote @woodstreetmission and the amazing work they do. Although we love the challenge we no longer do sponsorship. But they would love your help. They are at

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